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Clinica Forma reveals the secret of Functional Surgery to correct Diastasis Recti.

Excellence meets beauty and well-being with the revolutionary minimally invasive procedure capable of restoring shape and functionality to the abdomen, allowing you to look and feel your best!

Clinica Forma, an innovative center for Aesthetic Medicine and Surgery in Milan, introduces a cutting-edge procedure to permanently resolve diastasis recti, which has a significant impact on the shape and functionality of the abdomen, through laparoscopic surgery.

An effective and safe solution capable of reconstructing the linea alba and bringing the rectus muscles of the abdomen closer together, ensuring a faster recovery and a life without limitations.

Abdominal diastasis is characterized by the abnormal separation of the rectus muscles of the abdomen along the linea alba, the central connective tissue of the abdomen.

This condition leads to a decrease in strength and stability of the abdominal wall, resulting in both aesthetic and functional implications.

Depending on the severity of the condition, it can be visibly apparent or only detectable through touch.

If visible, it creates an aesthetic effect of a "split" and "bulging" belly in the central part of the abdomen along the linea alba.

The causes of this particular medical condition are related to pregnancy, childbirth, incorrect exercise, obesity, and previous surgical interventions.

At Clinica Forma, the correction surgery for diastasis recti, which lasts about an hour and a half, is performed as a day surgery procedure by Dr. Salvatore Cuccomarino, a General Abdominal Surgeon.

As a reference point of excellence in the field of "mini-invasive" rectus diastasis correction, Dr. Salvatore Cuccomarino, along with other specialists in the field, is the author of the authoritative volume "New Concepts in Diastasis Recti Surgery" published by Springer, which addresses the topic in a technical and in-depth manner.

Inside the clinic, Dr. Cuccomarino is supported by a team of highly qualified doctors to provide a multidisciplinary approach to abdominal wall pathologies.

Specifically, the laparoscopic procedure performed at this clinic involves small incisions that allow the surgeon to use special instruments and a camera to see beneath the skin, offering numerous advantages to the patient: less blood loss, rapid recovery, and reduced post-operative pain compared to traditional surgery.

Dr. Salvatore Cuccomarino

After the procedure, patients can return to their normal daily routine without complications within approximately 15 days.

However, for intense physical activity, it is recommended to wait at least 4-6 weeks.

But that's not all: this procedure opens the doors to a new frontier in surgery that goes beyond aesthetics.

With the correction of diastasis recti, patients report a significant reduction in back pain, postprandial abdominal swelling, and urinary disorders.

With restored functionality, they can resume sports and live without limitations.

At Clinica Forma, well-being and beauty merge into a personalized experience, as emphasized by Dr. Salvatore Cuccomarino: "We believe that beauty and well-being are inseparable, and we are here to transform the lives of our patients, offering them exceptional results and timeless beauty through a tailored journey for each of them.

The goal of the entire team is to support our patients during important moments in their lives, enabling them to improve, solve concrete problems, and, above all, feel better."

At Clinica Forma, the treatment of abdominal diastasis is also part of the Mommy Makeover section, a popular and sought-after medical and surgical path that includes a combination of surgical and aesthetic medicine procedures designed for mothers who aspire to regain their physical shape and tone after pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Located at Via Cagnola 3 in Milan, Clinica Forma, the Medical-Suite of well-being, is dedicated to the beauty and health of its patients through a highly specialized medical approach.

"Following the patient as an individual, with unique and personal needs and requirements, is essential for us," say Guido Cornegliani, the Health Director of the facility, and Matteo Antonielli, founders of Clinica Forma.

For more information, visit the website


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