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Contemporary Huts, a London Craft Week exhibition.

Estudio Museo presents ‘Contemporary Huts,’ an immersive exhibition created in partnership with the Argentinian Embassy exploring Argentinian culture through art, for London Craft Week 2023.

Photo by Vincas Čygas

Passionate about showcasing Latin American artists and designers, this season at London Craft Week Estudio Museo is presenting a selection of 5 Argentinian designers who are utilising their practice to tell their cultural stories.

This exhibition is placing a large emphasis on the importance of preserving native communities and their ancestral craftsmanship, the work of these selected artists telling stories of many generations who came before them, just through the crafting techniques they use.

Contemporary Huts will be an immersive experience in which visitors will be able to enjoy and discover the culture, identity, and artistic history of Argentina, and engage in an evening of crafting, music, and food.

La Sucursal Design

Sofia Mattioli - Founder @lasucursaldesign

Based in Argentina, designer Sofia Mattioli is using crafting to explore the language between textiles and space, creating pieces that examine how different fabrics inhabit space in various ways (Textile Spatiality).

Working mainly with natural fabric and working by hand in traditional methods such as felt/knitting/dotting, Mattioli aims to create a variety of artisanal pieces that reflect organic patterns, structures, and palettes.

La Sucursal Design is using crafting to develop the functional art of textile morphology that is in conversation with the ways in which different textures, dyes, and materials inhabit space.

Photo by Vincas Čygas

Diseño Humano

Diseño Humano is a design studio based and created in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

It is managed and directed by Sofia Grehan and Santiago Gilardi who started working together in 2021.

Their work includes a wide variety of typologies, from the design of small objects and furniture to interior design projects, as well as the creation of limited-edition products that seek to elevate the experience of daily living.

All of their products follow a distinctly neutral and minimal approach, created out of necessity and desire, not to meet trends.With a huge respect for traditional craftsmanship, they work alongside local manufacturers and with natural materials. Aligned with this vision they have also created an online shop focused on exposing and promoting unique hand-made pieces made by local artisans who live in remote and marginalized areas of the country.

In bridging Argentina's artisans with the world, they hope to share the essence of simple luxury and help keep generations of tradition alive.

All of Diseño Humano pieces are manufactured under sustainable and responsible consumption policies, prioritizing good crafting, functionality and durability, against ephemeral trends.

Photo by Vincas Čygas

CSalom Atelier

CSalom Atelier was founded in 2015 as an art and textile experimentation studio.

The studio aims to allow artists to come together to pursue multiple projects in which they can create a textile scenography that can be lived with the greatest sensoriality and collectivity possible.

Designer Caroline Salom has developed her practice in what she coins ‘functionalist art,’ which she describes as personal, elegant and contemporary.

Having honed a wide breadth of textile skills, including screen printing, wood cuting, sashiko, embroidery, low smooth loom and loom, Salom begun CSalom Atelier to turn the often solitary practice of crafting into a shared experience.

The central idea of the studio is to create textile pieces that transmit a collective, anthroposophical message to rescue traditional techniques, and honour each artist involved in each project, making them all part of a composite mission.

Photo by Vincas Čygas


Designer Guadalupe Vilar is a garment and spatial artist using 100% leftover materials and sustainable components to spread awareness about the importance of regeneration in the wake of the climate crisis.

Vilar began her artistic process by writing short futuristic stories about idealistic societies coping with the consequences of the environmental disaster we are currently stimulating.

Her artistic practice is the physical expression of that storytelling.

Vilar’s aims to transform waste into valuable entities, and consolidate the union between past, present and future.

Photo by Vincas Čygas

Tejedores Andinos

Tejedores Andinos gathers 15 craftswomen and 3 craftsmen belonging to the Kolla people from the communities of Tilcara, Yacoraite, Maimará, Sumay Pacha and Sumalagua.

Jujuy, Argentina, to seek and share ancestral knowledge through a celebration of traditional crafting methods.

Using weaving, embroidery, ceramics, and knitting this project pays homage to the land and emblemise the values, dreams, and histories of its indigenous peoples.

Photo by Vincas Čygas


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